The solution
We will approach the solution in three steps:
- First, we will completely automate the
deployment environment provisioning (Kubernetes) and cross-cutting concern setups to support all the micro-frontend deployment. - Next will be the application onboarding, which covers steps such as new repository creation and setting up the CI pipeline for a specific micro-frontend.
- The final step will be to set up the CD pipeline and dependent infrastructures (database) provisioning for the micro-frontend for which the repository is created. We will do this using a set of providers, such as Helm, GitLab, GCP, and Kubernetes.
We will create a template GitLab project with the dependent library and kick-start the micro-frontend development using a repository cloned from the base template repository.
The following diagram represents the complete solution:
Figure 10.2 – High-level solution view
The following stages cover...