Grading policy
Your grading policy establishes the point ranges for each letter grade and defines the minimum for passing grades. Your course can be pass/fail, or it can have the letter grades of A through F. To create a grading policy for your class, follow these steps:
- Select Grading from the Settings menu.
- View the default Pass/Fail grade scale in the Overall Grade Range section.
- Click on the + button to add a grade. Clicking the button will change the scale from pass/fail to a range of letter grade options.
- Click on the yellow Save Changes button when you are done with making the changes.
- Change the grade range by moving the cursor onto the line that divides two grades.
- Click and drag the line to the left or right to adjust the range for each letter grade. Release the mouse button when the line is where you want it.
- Change the name of the grade by double-clicking on the current name and then typing your desired new name for that specific grade.
For example, if you want to change the original...