- Android
- PDF files, displaying / Showing the PDF file on Android
- Android apps
- Java classes, using with Java20P / Using Java classes in Android apps with Java2OP, How to do it…, There's more…
- Android Intents
- sending / Sending Android Intents, Getting ready, How it works…
- full flagged e-mail, sending / More complex intent – sending a full flagged e-mail
- speech to text engine / Starting an activity for result – the speech to text engine, There's more…
- Android SDK Java classes
- using / Using Android SDK Java classes, Getting ready, How to do it…, There's more…
- Android services
- about / Doing it in the background, the right way – Android services, Getting ready, How it works…, There's more…
- Android TextToSpeech engine
- using / Letting your phone talk – using the Android TextToSpeech engine, How it works…, There's...