Sentence augmenting
Augmenting at the sentence level is a powerful concept. It was not possible 5 years ago. You had to be working in an ML research company or a billionaire before accessing these acclaimed pre-trained models. Some transformer and large language models (LLMs) became available in 2019 and 2020 as open source, but they are generally for research. Convenient access to online AI servers via a GPU was not widely available at that time. The LLM and pre-trained models have recently become publicly accessible for incorporating them into your projects, such as the HuggingFace website. The salient point is that for independent researchers or students, LLM and pre-trained models only became accessible in mid-2021.
The sentence and word augmenting methods that use ML can’t be done dynamically as with methods using the Nlpaug library. In other words, you have to write and save the augmented text to your local or cloud disk space. The primary reason is that the augmentation...