Setting up a basic approval workflow
Compiere's workflow processes form an integral part of the system. In this section we are going to learn how to setup a basic approval workflow for a document within Compiere.
The system definitions are as follows:
A workflow is made up of a node and transitions.
A node refers to a piece of work.
A transition is the action to get to the next node, based on a logical condition.
The workflow process is the active workflow and an activity for the processing of the active node (an activity also may have multiple parallel processes).
A workflow also has an active State. A Workflow State refers to whether the workflow is running, not running, not started, completed, aborted, or terminated.
Nodes also have Owners or Responsible persons.

Illustrative workflow example
We are going to set up a workflow between two roles, whereby the Gardenworld Purchasing role will capture a Purchase Order and the order will be approved by the Gardenworld User role. This type of approval...