Google Cloud Platform
Google Cloud AI provides ML services through its well-defined APIs. These services are very fast, easily scalable, and easy to use in practice. The users can use Neural-network-based machine learning algorithms for better performance of their applications.
The GCP provides various types of applications built on an AI platform and is used in many of Google's products. The user’s application customization of ML on neural networks can be done by using AutoML. Optimization of ML is allowed through GCP AI TensorFlow workload APIs. Data storage and retrieval are also made easy through Cloud Storage and Cloud Dataflow services. Users can share their thoughts or experiences and make conversations across all domains and devices. Analytical tools are also provided separately for images, videos, audio or speech, text, and other miscellaneous applications.
In this chapter, the authors have tried to explain the GCP AI platform and explore knowledge on the following APIs with use cases...