1.1 Technical requirements
Downloading and building LLVM code is very easy and does not require any paid tools. You will require the following:
Unix-based OS (Linux, Darwin)
Command line git
Build tools: CMake and Ninja
We will use the debugger as the source investigation tool. LLVM has its own debugger, LLDB. We will build it as our first tool from LLVM monorepo: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git.
Any build process consists of two steps. The first one is the project configuration and the last one is the build itself. LLVM uses CMake as a project configuration tool. It also can use a wide range of build tools, such as Unix Makefiles, and Ninja. It can also generate project files for popular IDEs such as Visual Studio and XCode. We are going to use Ninja as the build tool because it speeds up the build process, and most LLVM developers use it. You can find additional information about the tools here: https://llvm.org/docs/GettingStarted.html.
The source code for this chapter...