Inter-project document management
Okay, we know by now that a Celtx project has the capacity to contain hundreds or thousands of items. However, what if there's something in another project we would like to have in our current project? That's what inter-project document management is all about, moving stuff between projects.
It's incredibly easy. Celtx has that small footprint I was so enthusiastic about in the Preface. This means it's easy to run another version of Celtx over the current one and to, thus, have two projects open at once. Do that and move one slightly offset as I have in the following screenshot:
Now comes the hard part. Oh! Wait. There is no hard part. Just click on the item in the top Celtx that we want to move, let's say the .jpg
photo of Bebe Daniels. Hold down the left mouse button and drag it into the other project's Project Library. That's it! We can copy anything or all in one project's Project Library almost instantly in this manner.
Who, you ask, is Bebe Daniels? She...