- admin view
- about / The admin view
- Alfresco connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- AND gate / Gates
- attachment variable
- about / The attachment variable
- Binary Large Object (BLOB) / The attachment variable
- bin folder / Exploring the Tomcat bundle
- Bonita API
- about / Bonita API and adding users into the database
- users, adding to database / Bonita API and adding users into the database
- URL, for documentation / Bonita API and adding users into the database
- Bonita connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita, Bonita connectors
- Bonita Execution Engine / Downloading the Tomcat bundle
- bonita folder / Exploring the Tomcat bundle
- Bonita log / Logfiles
- Bonita Open Solution
- downloading / Downloading, installing, and launching Bonita Open Solution
- installing / Downloading, installing, and launching Bonita Open Solution
- launching / Downloading, installing, and launching Bonita Open Solution
- login page / Bonita login page
- Bonita Open Solution 5.10 / Downloading, installing, and launching Bonita Open Solution
- Bonita Open Solution Community Edition / Downloading, installing, and launching Bonita Open Solution
- Bonitasoft Community Edition / The JavaScript alternative to the contingency feature
- Bonita Studio
- process, creating / Creating a process
- input widget / Input and output widgets in Bonita
- output widget / Input and output widgets in Bonita
- button / Buttons
- Select widget / The Select widget
- Radio widget / The Radio widget
- date picker widget / The date-picker widget
- variable, creating / Variables required for the widget elements
- Image widget / The Image widget
- Message widget / The Message widget
- Next buttons / The Previous and Next buttons
- Previous buttons / The Previous and Next buttons
- inbox view / The inbox view
- User XP, customizing / User XP options in Studio
- web form, externalizing / Externalizing forms
- external form, creating / Externalizing forms
- User Experience look n feel, creating / User Experience Look'n'feel
- Bonita Studio Subscription Pack version / Contingency
- Boolean variable
- about / The Boolean variable
- button / Buttons
- call activity
- about / The call activity
- case / Running a process
- CMIS connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- conditions
- about / Conditional appearance of fields
- evaluating / Conditional appearance of fields
- defining, on transitions / Defining conditions on transitions
- conf folder / Exploring the Tomcat bundle
- configuration file
- modifying / Changing the configuration files
- connectors
- types / Types of connectors in Bonita
- groovy scripting connector / Groovy scripting
- URL / Other connectors
- connectors, types
- Bonita connectors / Bonita connectors
- e-mail connectors / The e-mail connector
- Drools connectors / The Drools connector
- Database connectors / Database connectors
- contingency
- about / Contingency
- Dashboard
- about / Dashboard
- data, web form
- finalizing / Finalizing the web form data
- database connection
- customizing / Customizing database connections
- Database connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- about / Database connectors
- date picker widget / The date-picker widget
- date variable
- about / The date variable
- DRL file / The Drools connector
- Drools connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- about / The Drools connector
- e-mail connectors
- about / The e-mail connector
- configuring / The e-mail connector
- Entry page flow
- configuring / Entry, view, and overview page flow
- Exchange connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- eXo connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- external folder / Exploring the Tomcat bundle
- external form
- creating / Externalizing forms
- float variable
- about / The float variable
- Gates
- about / Gates
- Gates, types
- XOR gate / Gates
- AND gate / Gates
- Inclusive gateway / Gates
- Google connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- Groovy
- URL / Conditional appearance of fields
- groovy scripting connector
- about / Groovy scripting
- human task
- creating / Creating a human task
- Image widget / The Image widget
- inbox view
- about / The inbox view
- Inclusive gateway
- about / Gates
- input widget
- creating / Input and output widgets in Bonita
- installation, Bonita Open Solution / Downloading, installing, and launching Bonita Open Solution
- integer variable
- about / The integer variable
- Jasper connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) / Exploring the Tomcat bundle
- Java connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- JavaScript
- alternative to contingency / The JavaScript alternative to the contingency feature
- Java variable / The Java variable
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM) / Exploring the Tomcat bundle
- URL, for downloading / Downloading, installing, and launching Bonita Open Solution
- labels
- about / Labels
- LDAP connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- lib folder / Exploring the Tomcat bundle
- logfiles
- about / Logfiles
- logfiles, types
- Tomcat log / Logfiles
- Bonita log / Logfiles
- login page, Bonita Open Solution / Bonita login page
- logs folder / Exploring the Tomcat bundle
- look n feel resource
- modifying / Changing Look'n'feel
- template / Changing Look'n'feel
- creating / Application Look'n'feel
- editing / Application Look'n'feel
- message passing event
- about / Passing the message
- creating / Passing the message
- Message widget / The Message widget
- Messaging connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- multi instantiation
- about / Multiinstantiation
- MySQL Connector 5.0.8
- URL, for downloading / Customizing database connections
- Next button / The Previous and Next buttons
- output widget
- creating / Input and output widgets in Bonita
- Overview page flow
- configuring / Entry, view, and overview page flow
- pool variable
- vs, step variable / Pool variables versus step variables
- about / Pool variables versus step variables
- creating / The Image widget
- Previous button / The Previous and Next buttons
- process
- creating / Creating a process
- human task, creating / Creating a human task
- text variable / The text variable
- running / Running a process
- user inbox / The user inbox
- labels / Labels
- Dashboard / Dashboard
- admin view / The admin view
- process history
- about / The process history
- process status, User XP / Process status in User XP
- Radio widget / The Radio widget
- resources
- adding, to workflow / Adding Resources to the workflow
- Salesforce connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- SAP connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- Scripting connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- Select widget
- about / The Select widget
- Selenium
- URL / The JavaScript alternative to the contingency feature
- Sharepoint connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- Sheetster connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- Social connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- step variable
- vs, pool variable / Pool variables versus step variables
- about / Pool variables versus step variables
- SugarCRM connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- Talend connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- temp folder / Exploring the Tomcat bundle
- text variable
- about / The text variable, The text variable
- Tomcat
- starting / Starting and shutting Tomcat
- shutting / Starting and shutting Tomcat
- Tomcat bundle
- exploring / Exploring the Tomcat bundle
- Tomcat Bundle
- downloading / Downloading the Tomcat bundle
- URL, for downloading / Downloading the Tomcat bundle
- Tomcat log / Logfiles
- transitions
- conditions, defining on / Defining conditions on transitions
- User Experience look n feel
- creating / User Experience Look'n'feel
- user inbox
- about / The user inbox
- users
- adding, to database / Bonita API and adding users into the database
- User XP
- customizing / User XP options in Studio
- process status / Process status in User XP
- variable
- creating / Variables required for the widget elements
- variable, types
- pool variable / Pool variables versus step variables
- step variable / Pool variables versus step variables
- text variable / The text variable
- Boolean variable / The Boolean variable
- integer variable / The integer variable
- float variable / The float variable
- date variable / The date variable
- attachment variable / The attachment variable
- Java variable / The Java variable
- View page flow
- configuring / Entry, view, and overview page flow
- webapps directory / Exploring the Tomcat bundle
- web form
- data, finalizing / Finalizing the web form data
- customizing / Customizing web forms
- resources adding, to workflow / Adding Resources to the workflow
- look n feel resource, creating for / Application Look'n'feel
- Web forms
- resources adding, to workflow / Adding Resources to the workflow
- Web Services connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita
- work directory / Exploring the Tomcat bundle
- XOR gate / Gates
- XWiki connectors / Types of connectors in Bonita