Time for action — adding a Safe Title/Safe Action guide to Blender
Adding the Safe Title/Safe Action guide to Blender is pretty easy. It's just like adding a template. What you will want to watch for is that when you select the presets for NTSC or PAL television, not only do the proportions of the screen change, but the frame rate changes as well:
Save and close the Blender file that you were using to make the sloop. Save it to a unique file name that you will remember in six months.
Open up a new Blender file.
Press Numpad 0 to get the Camera view.
The steps for adding a Safe Title/Safe Action guide are the same as those that you used for making the templates.
Press N in the 3D View to get the Properties panel, as shown in the following screenshot. Scroll down to the Background Images subpanel and check the box beside the text Background Images as shown in the following screenshot. Press the Add Image button. Press the Open button to open up the file browser and find the image