Time for action — setting up Blender so you can see what the camera sees
Quite often, you may need to have more than one view of the scene visible at one time. Blender is great that way because you can break up the 3D View window as you like. In this case, we want to see what the camera is seeing as well as having our standard view of the scene:
Select New in the File menu.
Create a new 3D View window as you learned in Chapter 2,Getting Comfortable using the 3D View.
With the cursor over the right-hand 3D View, press 0 on the Numpad to get the camera view.
Press T to close the Tool Shelf in the right 3D View window. It should look similar to the following illustration.
Now save the file to a file named
Two 3D Views.blend
What just happened?
This last exercise was to create a basic Blender file that you can use multiple times. It has the standard 3D View window as well as a 3D View window locked to what the camera sees. This will give you the flexibility of moving around in the scene as you please...