Getting access to 1-Wire devices
To show you how the 1-Wire bus works, we can use a really simple chip: the temperature sensor chip DS18B20. There are two possible ways or modes by which the chip can be powered: a parasite version (that is, which works in the parasite mode), with two wires only, and a normal version with a dedicated power pin, which uses the three wires instead.
In this example, I'm going to use the three wire's waterproof version of this chip, which implements a special packaging of the chip that can be used in hostile environments (see the following figure for the images of the two chip's packaging version):

The device can be purchased at (or by surfing the Internet)
First of all, we've to set up the electrical connections. In the following table, the correspondence between the BeagleBone Black's pins and the sensor's cables is reported:
BeagleBone Black pins – label |
Sensor cables – Color / Standard case pin... |