Enabling and disabling all Track Selectors from the keyboard
There will be a variety of instances when enabling or disabling all the Track Selectors will be necessary or helpful. One example is when you have many tracks and before you make an edit, you have to scroll up or down to check the status (enabled or disabled) of the hidden tracks. However, with the help of the next simple recipe, you can enable/disable all the tracks (even the ones you can't see).
How to do it...
Follow these steps:
Select the Source Window, Record Window, or the Timeline Window.
Use one of these keyboard shortcuts found in the Edit Menu:
Press cmd and A keys (on Mac) or Ctrl + A keys (on Windows) simultaneously to select all tracks
Press the A key along with Shift and Cmd (on Mac), or Shift and Ctrl (on Windows)todeselect all tracks
There's more...
Media Composer also allows you to map all 24 video Track Selectors and all 24 audio Track Selectors to the keyboard. You'll find them in Tools menu | Command Palette...