Creating and modifying pressure networks
With the gravity utility network portion of our sanitary sewer designed, let’s begin laying our force main that will carry wastewater from our pump house located in the southwestern-most lot and tie to the Existing Sanitary Sewer main located along York Hwy.
As discussed earlier in the chapter, we’ll want to jump back up to our Create Design panel within our Home ribbon and activate the Pressure Network Creation tools (refer to Figure 12.12).
Once the Pressure Network Creation tools have been activated, we’ll be presented with a Create Pressure Pipe Network dialog box where we’ll want to fill out the fields and make the selections as follows (also shown in Figure 12.26), and then click the OK button:
- Network name: PPN - Proposed Sanitary Sewer
- Network description: Proposed Force Main from Pump Station within Residential Subdivision to tie into Existing Sanitary Sewer Gravity Utility Network along...