The Particle Core
The Particle Core is an Arduino-compatible board but with some reservations. In fact, the Particle Core is based on ARM Cortex-M3 processors, which use a different architecture from the Atmega microprocessors used in most Arduino-compatible boards. This means that the Particle Core can't be programmed from the Arduino IDE at the moment, but don't worry as there are other options.
Still we can consider the Particle Core to be Arduino-familiar since we can program them using the same commands and structure as used to program all Arduino boards. Many of the libraries available for Arduino boards also work for the Particle Core and some are specifically developed for the Particle Core in order to utilize the Wi-Fi connectivity. Figure 8.1 shows the development kit available from:
This kit includes the Particle Core board, a mini breadboard, and a micro USB cable:

Figure 8.1: The Particle Core starter kit
In order to get started on programming the Particle...