Creating mediation modules
You now have an understanding of the basic concepts of mediation and mediation flows. Let's try implementing these concepts in a simple HelloMediationModule.
For this we shall build upon our example from the previous chapter. In the previous chapter we had built a simple HelloProcess integration solution. We will use the HelloProcess requirements as the basis and will build a mediation flow based solution that will satisfy the following requirements:
It should be capable of getting user input and more specifically their first name, last name, and age
It should return a customized greeting based on their age
Ages 25 and younger it should return—"What's up <FirstName LastName>! Congrats on your first hello world mediation flow"
Ages 26 to 65 it should return—"Hey <FirstName LastName>! Congrats on your first hello world mediation flow"
Ages 65 and above it should return—"Greetings <FirstName LastName>! Congrats on your first hello world mediation flow...