Chapter 6. Roller Themes and Blog Promotion
Wow, we're finally over the hill! I hope you've enjoyed the chapters we've seen in this book so far. In this chapter, we're going to talk about Roller Themes and how to promote your weblog on all the popular social bookmarking websites such as Technorati, Digg, Delicious, and StumbleUpon.
A theme is a small set of templates, and a template is just a web page with HTML and Velocity code embedded inside it. In Chapter 7, Working with Templates, we'll see some basics about Velocity. For now, let's just concentrate on these basic definitions and start working with all the cool examples I've designed for you!
Basically, in this chapter you will:
Learn how to choose a weblog theme
Download and install new weblog themes
Learn about port forwarding in order to open the web port (80) on your PC and show your Roller weblog to the Internet world
Learn how to promote your weblog on some popular social bookmarking websites
I guarantee that you'll learn a lot of useful...