Systrace is a tool included in the Google SDK to analyze the performance of an application. It captures and displays the execution time from your application on the kernel level (capturing information such as CPU scheduler, application threads, and disk activity). After the analysis has been completed, it generates an HTML file with all the information compiled.
To make it work, click the Systrace button in the DDMS view (). A screen such as the following will appear:

On this screen, we can input a few parameters for Systrace:
Destination where the file will be stored as an HTML file.
Trace duration: the default value is 5 seconds. 30 seconds is a good value to cope with a good amount of information.
Trace buffer size: how big the buffer should be for tracing.
We can select the process from which we will enable the application traces, so normally we will select our own application here.
We need to select some of the tags that we would like to interact with from the list.
When everything...