Source: Steam community
Supported controllers include the XBox One gamepad, Vive Tracker, Oculus Touch, and motion controllers for HTC Vive and Windows Mixed Reality VR headsets.
The key-binding system of the SteamVR input system allows users to build binding configurations. Users can adapt the controls of games to take into account user behavior such as left-handedness, a disability, or personal preference. These configurations can also be shared easily with other users of the same game via the Steam Workshop.
For developers, the new SteamVR input system means easier adaptation of games to diverse controllers.
Most importantly, the entire mechanism is captured in an easy to use UI that is available in-headset under the Settings menu.
Source: Steam community
For now, SteamVR Input is in beta. Details for developers are available on the OpenVR SDK 1.0.15 page. You can also see the documentation to enable native support in your applications. Hardware developers can read the driver API documentation to see how they can enable this new system for their devices.
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