DevOps is a much more realistic and efficient way to organize the creation and delivery of technology solutions to customers. But like practically everything else in the world of technology, DevOps has become a buzzword and is often thrown around willy-nilly. Let's cut through the fog and highlight concrete steps that will help an organization implement DevOps.
This might seem like a no-brainer, but DevOps is often explained in terms of tools rather than techniques or philosophical paradigms. At its core, DevOps is about uniting developers and operators, getting these groups to effectively communicate with each other, and then using this new communication to streamline various processes. This could include a physical change to the layout of an organization's workspace. It's incredible the changes that can happen just by changing the seating arrangements in an office. If you have a very large organization, development and operations might be in separate buildings, separate campuses, or even separate cities. While the efficacy of web-based communication has increased dramatically over the last few years, there is still no replacement for face-to-face daily human interactions. Putting developers and operators in the same physical space is going to increase the rate of adoption and efficacy of various DevOps tools and techniques.
Updates can be aimed at expanding functionality or simply fixing or streamlining existing processes.
Updates present a couple of problems to developers and operators. First, we need to keep everybody working on the same codebase. This can be achieved by using a variety of continuous integration tools. The goal of continuous integration is to make sure that changes and updates to the codebase are implemented as close to continuously as possible. This helps avoid merging problems that can result from multiple developers working on the same codebase at the same time. Second, these updates need to be integrated into the final product. For this task, DevOps applies the concept of continuous deployment. This is essentially the same thing as continuous integration, but has to do with deploying changes to the codebase as opposed to integrating changes to the codebase. In terms of importance to the DevOps process, continues integration and deployment are equally important. Moving updates from a developer's workspace to the codebase to production should be seamless, smooth, and continuous.
Microservices are an extension of the service-based structure. Basically a service structure calls for modulation of a solution’s codebase into units based on functionality. Microservices takes this a step further by implementing what consists of a service-based structure in which each service performs a single task. While a service-based or microservice structure is not required for implementation of DevOps, I have no idea why you wouldn’t because microservices lend themselves so well with DevOps. One way to think of a microservice structure is by imagining an ant hill in which all of the worker ants are microservices. Each ant has a specific set of abilities and is given a task from the queen. The ant then autonomously performs this task, usually gathering food, along with all of its ant friends. Remove a single ant from the pile, nothing really happens. Replace an old ant with a new ant, nothing really happens. The metaphor isn’t perfect, but it strikes at the heart of why microservices are valuable in a DevOps framework. If we need to be continuously integrating and deploying, shouldn’t we try to impact the codebase as directly as we can? When microservices are in use, changes can be made at an extremely granular level. This allows for continuous integration and deployment to really shine.
In order to continuously deploy, applications need to also be continuously monitored. This allows for problems to be identified quickly. When problems are quickly identified, it tends to reduce the total effort required to fix the problems. Your application should obviously be monitored from the perspective of whether or not it is working as it currently should, but users need to be able to give feedback on the application’s functionality. When reasonable, this feedback can then be integrated into the application somehow. Monitoring user feedback tends to fall by the wayside when discussing DevOps. It shouldn’t. The whole point of the DevOps process is to improve the user experience. If you’re not getting feedback from users in a timely manner, it's kind of impossible to improve their experience.
Part of the beauty of DevOps is that it can allow for more experimentation than other development frameworks. When microservices and continuous integration and deployment are being fully utilized, it's fairly easy to incorporate experimental changes to applications. If an experiment fails, or doesn’t do exactly what was expected, it can be removed just as easily. Basically, remember why DevOps is being used and really try to get the most out of it.
DevOps can be complicated. Boiling anything down to five steps can be difficult but if you act on these five fundamental principles you will be well on your way to putting DevOps into practice. And while its fun to talk about what DevOps is and isn't, ultimately that's the whole point - to actually uncover a better way to work with others.