Kickstarter has now joined the long list of firms like Google and Npm Inc who have opposed workers organizing to demand better treatment.
For workers, unions act as negotiators who can talk/protest on their behalf against unlawful working conditions like non-cash compensation, harassment, unbiased hiring, and other unfair labor practices. On the other hand, the employers’ will to maximize the company’s profit at the cost of the employer’s salary or time are received with resistance from trade unions. With such conflicting goals, it comes as no surprise that organizations will attempt to remove the organizers behind mass protests, in order to avoid such movements taking concrete shapes such as trade unions.
Another method used by firms is to issue demotion or an unplanned transfer, as experienced by Claire Stapleton and Meredith Whittaker, ex-Google employees. These developers played a major role in organizing an pan-Google Walkout in November last year, but had to quit Google eight months later, after facing retaliation for protesting against the company.
Read Also: Meredith Whittaker, Google Walkout organizer, and AI ethics researcher is leaving the company, adding to its brain-drain woes over ethical concerns
Read Also: Google Walkout organizer, Claire Stapleton resigns after facing retaliation from management
The organizers of the Google Walkout had laid five demands for change within the workplace.
In April, NPM Inc, the company behind the widely used NPM JavaScript package repository dismissed 5 of its employees, allegedly for engaging in union organizing activities. The union organizers were protesting against the company’s profit prioritizing strategy at the expense of employees. According to a special report from The Register, the JavaScript package registry and NPM Inc were planning to fight union-busting complaints by firing staffers, rather than settling their claims.
Following all the unrest in the company, the Npm Inc. co-founder and Chief data officer, Laurie Voss, quit the company, in July. Voss’ s resignation came third in line after Rebecca Turner, former core contributor who resigned in March and Kat Marchan, former CLI and community architect also resigned from NPM the same month. Voss stated in his blog that he supports unions and added, “As far as the labor dispute goes, I will say that I have always supported unions, I think they’re great, and at no point in my time at NPM did anybody come to me proposing a union,” he said. “If they had, I would have been in favor of it. The whole thing was a total surprise to me.” This can be mostly true as employees tend not to talk to the management in the fear of retaliation.
Read Also: Npm Inc, after a third try, settles former employee claims, who were fired for being pro-union, The Register reports
There has always been a debate around the need for unions in tech or rather if at all the industry needs one. Supporters of the latter are of the opinion that the tech industry does not need a union as this field is already doing well, in terms of money and safety for employees. Jeff Atwood, one of the co-founders of the stackoverflow.com responded to the Kickstarter story by commenting, “I will never understand the desire to "unionize" in tech. Why should rich people unionize? So they can get .. uh.. even more money?”
A popular issue that employees, including those in tech, face is the pay equity issue, particularly for women. The current Equal Pay Act specifies that employers can’t differentiate salary based on gender (unless based on factors like seniority, merit, and work level). However, it was found that most women were making far less money than male colleagues with the same experience and job titles. According to Vox, “women in the United States who work full time make, on an average, 82 cents for every dollar their male counterparts make.” After a series of attempts to make sure women and men are paid equally, Congress passed the Paycheck Fairness bill, in March this year. The Paycheck Fairness Act is intended to close all the loopholes in the current Equal Pay Act of 1963. It is now awaiting Senate approval post which the bill will become a law.
However, fair pay is not the only reason unions exist. Two months ago, Amazon workers protested against their employers on its Prime day, calling for a safe work environment. According to a report by Verge, an attorney for Amazon confirmed that hundreds of employees at the Baltimore facility were terminated within a year for failing to meet productivity rates. The workers complained that Amazon gamifies and makes the productivity goals dynamic for its workers, which becomes unrealistic to achieve. They also demanded the company to take action against ease quotas, and make more temp employees permanent.
In April this year, Riot games employees had demonstrated a walkout in protest of the company’s sexist culture and lack of diversity. Riot games was put in the spotlight after many complaints by Riot workers on grounds of sexual harassment and discrimination faced at their workspace. In contrast the complaints and public outcry against Riot games did not fall on deaf ears, as Riot games settled the class-action lawsuit filed by their workers. The CEO of Riot Games said, “We are grateful for every Rioter who has come forward with their concerns and believe this resolution is fair for everyone involved.”
In January, the 2019 Game Developers Conference survey revealed that nearly 50% of game developers believed that the game industry workers should unionize to fight against unreal target demands and long working hours. Following which in February, the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) published an open letter to game developers, persuading them to unionize and voice support for fair treatment at work. The letter pointed out that workers are asked to submit to unrealistic targets with horrible work conditions, job instability, and inadequate pay.
The Google Walkout not only pushed Google to take a stand against sexual assault but also inspired other companies to take the right steps in case of sensitive issues. Post the Google Walkout, Sundar Pichai, Chief Executive Officer of Google Inc. addressed these demands and listed some major changes that will be incorporated in Google.
Out of all the demands, forced arbitration was one of the most criticized and protested policies by the Google workers. Later in January, Google workers even launched an industry-wide awareness campaign to fight against it. The workers stated that the implementation of forced arbitration policy has grown significantly in the past seven years, with 65% of the companies consisting of 1,000 or more employees, now having mandatory arbitration procedures. Relenting to the demands, Google finally ended its forced arbitration policy for all it’s employees in February.
According to the forced arbitration policy, the employee is required to waive their right to sue, to participate in a class action lawsuit, or to appeal.
Following suit, Facebook also changed its policy of forced arbitration which required the employees to settle sexual harassment claims in private. This allows Facebook employees to take any of their sexual harassment complaints to a court of law.
It is safe to say that unionization in tech is of utmost importance, as only when a large group of protestors revolt together, the company is forced to change course, which otherwise would have gone unchallenged. Only structural changes such as worker unions that challenge the current power dynamics can make a company’s “if they don’t like it they can leave” mentality change in the tech industry. With the tech industry playing fast and loose with laws and regulations, workers may be the only guardrail in keeping them accountable. Unions, for all their limitations and shortcomings, help protect workers against company retaliation. Unions are likely not the end goal, but a means to achieve a fairer and inclusive workplace, a more responsible business entity and a saner marketplace.
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