WP-CMS Post Control
By Jonnyauk (http://jonnya.net/)
Why it's awesome: Adds an additional level of control and security based on an author's role
Why it was picked: Easiest to install, is a must needed functionality

License: GNU General Public License
Manual Install URL: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-cms-post-control
Automatic Install search term: WP-CMS Post Control
Geek level: Webmaster
Configuration location: Tools | Post Control
Used in: Posts, pages, comments, and authors
When dealing with multiple authors, you do have to be aware of who has what access, and which users can do what within your blog. WP-CMS Post Control gives you the power to define specifically what types of users have what types of access.
Currently, the plugin supports control over the following items:
Page controls
Attributes—Define who can modify page attributes
Author—Defines who can change the current author of a page
Custom Fields—Define who can modify custom fields
Discussion—Defines who can modify...