What this book covers
Chapter 1, The Science of Performance Tuning, talks about what performance tuning is all about and how it can be applied within an organization.
Chapter 2, Tools of the Tuning Trade, introduces some useful Open Source tools to use when performance tuning anything covered in this book.
Chapter 3, Tuning the Java Virtual Machine, covers what the engine of Java is and how to tune it as well as all other Java-based applications.
Chapter 4, Tuning WildFly, explains what can be tuned in the WildFly Application Server.
Chapter 5, EJB Tuning in WildFly, talks about how Enterprise JavaBeans can be tuned.
Chapter 6, Tuning the Persistence Layer, covers how to design an effective database as well as how to tune JPA and queries.
Chapter 7, Tuning the Web Container in WildFly, explores Undertow—the blazingly fast, new web container in WildFly—and discusses how it can be tuned to become even better.
Chapter 8, Tuning Web Applications and Services, covers numerous tuning tricks and tips surrounding the web applications and services based on Java EE.
Chapter 9, JMS and HornetQ, explains how JMS works and can be tuned in HornetQ, the JMS provider of WildFly.
Chapter 10, WildFly Clustering, explores tuning in a clustered WildFly, HornetQ, and Java EE components.