Changing a user's password
When a user forgets his/her password, he/she will contact you as the system's administrator and request a password reminder. For security reasons, passwords are stored on your system only in the form of cryptographic hashes, not plain text. Because of this, you cannot send passwords to users, but you can reset a password and send the new one to the user. The best practice in such a case is to make the new password usable only once, allowing the user to log in, but requesting that he/she immediately change it to a password of his/her own choice.
In this recipe, we will describe how to reset a user's password to a one-time value.
Getting ready
In order to use single-use passwords in Webmin, we need to enable this feature. Go to Webmin | Webmin Configuration | Authentication, and set the Password expiry policy option to Prompt users with expired passwords to enter a new one.
How to do it...
Perform the following steps to change the user's password:
Navigate to System |...