Attributes are also pretty important, so here's how to write those:
Jade |
p(id="hello") Hello Word! | <p id="hello">Hello Word!</p> |
That's right! They're pretty similar to the way you write attributes in HTML, except they're surrounded by a pair of parentheses. Also, if you have multiple attributes, they're delimited by commas, rather than just spaces. An example of this is as follows:
Jade |
p(id="hello", class="world") | <p id="hello" class="world"> </p> |
Jade 0.35.0 (released on August 21, 2013) added support for space-separated attributes. Soon, this will be supported by syntax highlighters, syntax checkers, and related tools like html2jade; but until then, you may wish to stick with the comma-delimited syntax. For this reason, the rest of this book will use comma-delimited attributes.
Passing objects as attributes
In Jade, you can easily pass strings as attributes, but if you pass objects, they will be turned into the most useful representation for...