With Ionic Vue, we can create mobile apps easily with Vue 3. It makes use of the composition API, TypeScript, and Vue Router, along with the components provided by Ionic, to create good-looking apps that can work as web or mobile apps. It also comes with all the tools required to preview the app in a device or emulator and build it into an app package that we can deploy to app stores.
With the Composition API, we can add the logic like we can with the Vue Options API, but we can add them all with functions instead of referencing them. Ionic Vue also makes TypeScript the default language of components. This lets us prevent type errors at compile time to reduce the chance of type errors happening at runtime. This is a convenience feature that reduces frustration with JavaScript development. We made use of interfaces, union and intersection types, and type aliases to define types for objects.
In the next chapter, we will look at how to build a travel booking app with PrimeVue...