This marks the end of this chapter on the fundamentals of photo retouching techniques in Photopea. We covered a variety of techniques for different use cases, such as touching up a portrait, prepping a photo before applying touch up work, restoring an old photo, and learned how to use and apply adjustments with the Camera Raw Filter, similar with limitations to making adjustments with RAW files in programs like Adobe’s Light Room.
Exploring techniques further, we learned how to remove blemishes, pimples, and marks with the Spot Healing Brush, Healing Brush, and Clone tools. We used the Brush tool to paint over subtle areas of the hair, sky, and clouds, without using masks.
In addition, we made new Layer adjustments to enhance the color, contrast, and saturation, and when and how to apply color-correcting and color temperature to an image.
In closing, we covered a lot in this chapter, which has prepared us for learning advanced image compositing techniques in...