Chapter 9: Creating Teeth, Eyebrows, and Hair
Most character sculptures require secondary features before they look complete. In this chapter, we will explore creating teeth, eyebrows, and hair for our sculpted characters. We'll start by making teeth and inserting them into a character's mouth. Next, will take a look at creating eyebrows. It's easy to forget to make eyebrows for our characters, but they are an important part of the face! Finally, we will try several methods for creating hair for our sculptures.
Hair (including eyebrows and facial hair) can be created in several ways, depending on the desired art style of your sculpture. The most common methods for creating hair are as follows:
- Mesh Hair: This is a very manual way to create hair using classic box modeling techniques and modifiers. This method is useful for creating hair with strong stylized shapes. It is common to use this style of hair when we need to use a small number of polygons. For example...