Elementary Functions
Examples for elementary functions in SymPy are trigonometric functions and their inverses. The following example shows how simplify acts on expression which include elementary function:
x = symbols('x') simplify(cos(x)**2 + sin(x)**2) # returns 1
Here is another example for the use of elementary functions:
atan(x).diff(x) - 1./(x**2+1) # returns 0
If you use SciPy and SymPy together, we strongly recommend that you use them in different namespaces:
import scipy as sp import sympy as sym # working with numbers x=3 y=sp.sin(x) # working with symbols x=sym.symbols('x') y=sym.sin(x)
Lambda - functions
In section Anonymous functions of Chapter 7, Functions, we saw how to define so-called anonymous functions in Python. The counterpart in SymPy is done by the Lambda
command. Note the difference; lambda
is a keyword while Lambda
is a constructor.
The command Lambda
takes two arguments, the symbol of the function's independent variable...