An interface defines all or part of the structure a class must take by defining the public method signatures and properties that must be present in the class. This is a powerful tool that allows you to create a specification for an object’s behavior. The power of interfaces is multiplied by the fact that you are not limited to implementing a single interface versus using subclassing where you are only allowed a single parent.
Interfaces serve to loosely define behavior or type. Here’s a shout-out to all the Unity 3D developers in the crowd: imagine creating a video game where the player battles zombies and ancient creatures conjured by the imagination of H.P. Lovecraft – oh, and cats because cats are scary. Each monster could have its own class. You could create an interface to define behaviors such as fighting, running, eating humans, and more. Such a video game might look like Figure A1.9:
Figure A1.9: A terrible video game...