Data flow in React
Shawn and Mark were getting ready to start working on a rainy day with a cup of coffee.
"Hey Mike, I have a question about props that we used to pass the headings
and changeSet
data to other components."
"Shoot!" Mike exclaimed.
"It seems to me that we are passing data to the components that are below the current component, but how can a component pass the data to the parent component?"
"Ah. In React, by default, all the data flows only in one direction: from parent component to child component. That's it."
This makes the job of the child component simple and predictable. Take props from the parent and render." Mike explained.
var RecentChangesTables = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return(<table className = 'table'> <Headings headings = {this.props.headings} /> <Rows changeSets = {this.props.changeSets} /> </table>); } });
"Let's look at our example. The RecentChangesTables
component passes the props...