Building a weather station
A great project to work on is building a weather station. The Raspberry Pi 2 has so much processing power to offer:
- It can store a large amount of data in a database with ease
- It can be its own web server running with a variety of programming languages
- It can crunch numbers, create statistics, and eventually become nice graphs
- It can even stream live videos using WebRTC or RTSP
Real-time embedded devices
Atmel AVR (used on Arduino) and PICAXE are very well-known microcontrollers that run code with real-time precision. The advantage of these microcontrollers is that you can program them with simple code once, upload the code, disconnect them from the development board, and use them like a standalone IC.
Your initial cost for a development board maybe about the same as a Raspberry Pi on its own, but after this, getting the programmable Microcontr oller Unit (MCU) will cost a few dollars, and will be even cheaper for tiny versions.
There are expansion boards available for...