Learning and understanding how to use Prezi's functionalities is the foundation for creating great prezis. But at some point, you may find yourself wondering what it is that constitutes the difference between a prezi that actively supports and strengthens your message, and a prezi that is just a pretty visual backdrop.
While this book is
not a design manual, we would like to point you in the right direction for making conscious choices when designing your prezi. This is because design matters. Making good design choices will dramatically raise your prezi's potential to create an impact on the audience.
Maybe you have only 30 minutes to spend on designing your prezi, or maybe you have days. In any case, make design decisions that concur with your main message.
Many companies have a design manual. Ask for the manual and look into the principles for colors, fonts, and general look and feel. Typically you will find RGB color specifications, different design elements...