Chapter 5. Data Acquisition from iOS Backups
In the previous chapter, we covered techniques to acquire data from an iOS device. This chapter covers techniques to acquire a backup of files from the device onto a computer or iCloud using Apple's synchronization protocol.
The physical acquisition of an iOS device provides the most data in an investigation, but you can also find a wealth of information on iOS backups. iOS device users have several options to back up data present on their devices. Users can choose to back up data to their computer using the Apple iTunes software or to the Apple cloud storage service known as iCloud. Every time an iPhone is synched with a computer or to iCloud, it creates a backup by copying the selected files from the device. The user can determine what is contained in the backup, so some may be more inclusive than others. Also, the user can back up to both a computer and iCloud, and the data derived from each location may differ. This...