Start working with APEX
The APEX IDE is a secured environment, so we need to log in to it. We can do that as a Workspace defined user, in one of the following groups:
Workspace administrators: This group of users has the highest security privileges within the APEX environment (apart from the internal ADMIN user, which we'll discuss later in the book). These group members can manage create and modify APEX users and database objects in the Workspace associated schema(s); manage APEX related services, e.g. session state, cache, storage request, etc.; have access to various reports, and monitor data pertaining to the development process. In addition to all these management capabilities, Workspace administrators can also fully take part in the application's development process.
Developers: These users can create new applications, or modify the existing ones. This group can also create or modify database objects in the Workspace associated schema(s). Group members have limited access to system...