The Heat basic workflow
Two kinds of workflows are supported by Heat. Using the first type of workflow, Heat starts several tasks in parallel and waits till they are completed. In the second workflow type, a parallelized task is run for an arbitrary dependency graph.
The following diagram shows a basic workflow for the OpenStack Heat component:

Source: The Mirantis website (
The Heat CLI tools
The Heat CLI tools (already described in the previous sections) are used to send the queries to the Heat engine. This is done via the Heat API and the CloudWatch API.
The Heat API
The Heat API implements the REST API for OpenStack. It is used to send queries to the Heat engine via the AMPQ messaging system. This can be initiated from using Heat CLI Tools or a web application such as the horizon dashboard.
The Heat CloudWatch API
The Heat CloudWatch API component is used to get the metrics from the stacks. It actually refers to...