Using the Louvain method
The Louvain method is certainly my favorite for community detection, for a few reasons.
First, this algorithm can be used on very large networks of millions of nodes and it will be effective and fast. Other approaches that we will explore in this chapter will not work on large networks and will not be as fast, so we get effectiveness and speed with this algorithm that we can’t find anywhere else. As such, it is my go-to algorithm for community detection, and I save the others as options to consider.
Second, it is possible to tune the resolution
parameter to find the best partitions for community detection, giving flexibility when the default results are not optimal. With the other algorithms, you do not have this flexibility.
In summary, with the Louvain method, we have a fast algorithm that is effective at community detection in massive networks, and we can optimize the algorithm for better results. I recommend dabbling in community detection...