Spring Thymeleaf dependency
To get started with the Thymeleaf template engine, we need to add the following dependency in the pom.xml
- The Thyemleaf library:
: 2.1.4 Release
- The Spring-Thymeleaf plugin library:
: 2.1.4. Release
For testing the framework (the note version does not necessarily match that of the core), Thymeleaf requires Java SE 5.0 or newer. Besides, it depends on the following libraries:
- unbescape 1.1.0 or later
- ONGL 3.0.8 or later
- Javassist 3.16.1-GA or later
- slf4j 1.6.6 or later
- Additionally, if you use the LEGACYHTML5 template mode, you will need the NekoHTML 1.9.21 or later
Spring MVC and Thymeleaf
In this section, let's look at configuring Thymeleaf in a Spring MVC framework. We can also use the SpringContext.xml
file for Thymeleaf configuration, but since we have seen a lot of such examples in which have performed a configuration in an XML file, we shall look at...