Overviewing the most common attacks on web applications
Now is the time to talk about the most common attacks against web applications that you may face and, of course, all the methods, techniques, and tools that you can use to protect your systems against them.
Exploring XSS attacks
The logic behind this type of attack is very simple: to leverage some JavaScript or HTML to execute some code on your web application.
To better understand these types of attacks, let's look at one of the most common types of XSS attacks: the hijacking of user sessions.
Hijacking a user session
Here, the attacker will try to inject malicious code into a web application that can be used to exfiltrate the session cookie that will be used to impersonate the victim.
To better illustrate this attack, let's see an example based on a web application used to rent houses, as follows:
- The attacker will log in to the vulnerable site and create an entry to advertise the renting...