Introduced in the Mimic release, Ceph now has an extremely useful dashboard based on the open ATTIC project. The dashboard in the initial Mimic release gives the Ceph operator the ability to monitor many aspects of their Ceph cluster that are needed on a daily basis. With preceding releases of Ceph, the dashboard has had further refinements and can now be used to manage some common tasks; over time, it is expected that the dashboard will continue to gain new features.
The dashboard is provided as a Ceph Mgr module and is included along with any dependencies in the standard Ceph installation. That means that all that is required to start using the Ceph dashboard is to simply enable the mgr module:
sudo ceph mgr module enable dashboard
SSL either needs to be disabled or a SSL certificate needs to be configured. Luckily, Ceph has a simple one-liner to get you started...