What is the ArcGIS API for Python?
The ArcGIS API for Python was conceived at the 2015 Esri International User Conference. The project, codenamed Geosaurus, was initiated to design and implement a Pythonic web GIS API that would be powerful, modern, and easy to use. So, what exactly does that mean?
Let's look at some of the defining terms and how they relate to the usability of the API:
- Powerful: The API is powerful, in that it allows you to work with all aspects of your web GIS, where a web GIS can be either ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS. With the API, you can create, manage, and use GIS resources such as web layers, web maps, users, and groups.
- Modern: The API is modern, in that it is built for Python 3 and integrates easily with libraries such as pandas, NumPy, and the SciPy ecosystem of libraries.
- Easy to use: Ease of use is one of Python's greatest virtues, and Esri went to great strides to build the API with usability in mind.
- Interactivity: The API comes ready to work well within...