Releasing an Application
with Spring Boot
In the previous chapter, we learned about all the various ways we could configure our application using Spring Boot. This unlocked the ability to run our application in multiple environments, which made it more flexible.
The most critical place for our application to be is in production. Otherwise, it’s not doing what we set out to do. Production can be a scary place. The Spring team, in its battle-hardened experience, has built many features into Spring Boot to ease the processes involved with assembling applications, staging, and ultimately managing them once deployed.
Building upon the tools covered in the previous chapter, we’ll see how Spring Boot can turn what used to be a scary place to be into a thriving environment.
In this chapter, we’ll cover the following topics:
- Creating an uber JAR
- Baking a Docker container
- Releasing your application to Docker Hub
- Tweaking things in production ...