Interaction between components
However, this is not enough—you need something more, because we still need to execute a line of code to make changes happen. If you make a filter available to the user, a dropdown for instance, which makes them able to apply changes to the table, they will not hesitate to use it. I am pretty sure you will want to do this, if not with a dropdown, then with a date selector, a button, a radio button, a checkbox, a simple text box, or whatever you can think of where the user can make a change or selection.
The first step is to add some kind of component that can provide interaction with the user. For our purposes, let's use a simple dropdown. The following code is an example of how to create a new instance of a select
new SelectComponent({ name: "marketFilter", type: "selectComponent", parameter: "marketDashParam", valueAsId: false, queryDefinition: { path: dashPath+"/customers.cda", dataAccessId: ...