Plotting simple pie charts – single series
In this chapter, we are going to use video gaming data supplied by vgchartz ( The following is the pie chart configuration and the data is the number of games sold in 2011 according to the publishers, based on the top 100 games sold. Wii Sports is taken out of the dataset because it is free with the Wii console.
chart: { renderTo: 'container', type: 'pie', borderWidth: 1 }, title: { text: 'Number of Software Games Sold in 2011 Grouped by Publishers', }, credits: { ... }, series: [{ data: [ [ 'Nintendo', 54030288 ], [ 'Electronic Arts', 31367739 ], ... ] }]
Here is a simple pie chart screenshot with the first data point (Nintendo) starting from the 12 o'clock position. The first slice always starts from 12 o'clock position and this cannot be changed.

Configuring the pie with sliced off sections
We can improve the...