Exploring the functional programming paradigm
There is no universally accepted definition of functional programming, and any attempt to do so usually results in seemingly infinite stack overflow/Reddit comment threads, flame-wars, and eventually hate-mail. The following are the most agreed upon attributes of a functional programming language:
- Functions are the first class citizens
- Expressions are preferred over statements
- Immutability is revered; structures and data are transformed
- Functions are pure, that is, without side effects
- Composability of functions to combine and chain output
- Programming constructs such as recursion and pattern matching are frequently used
- Non-strict evaluation is the default paradigm
Like its namesake, the functional programming paradigm uses pure functions, as in mathematical functions, as its core construct. The précis of function as a programming language construct stems from Alonzo Church and J. Barkley Rosser's work on lambda calculus. As in mathematical functions, the imperative in function based programing is to avoid state and mutation. Like mathematical functions, one should be able to invoke a function multiple times with no side effects, that is, always get the same answers. This style of programing has deep implementation consequences; a focus on immutable data (and structures) leads to programs written in a declarative manner since data structure cannot be a modified piecemeal.
A function is a static, a well-defined mapping from input values to output values. Functions being the first class citizens is an often said but seldom understood concept. A programming construct being first class means it may possess certain attributes, such as:
- It can be named or an identifier can be assigned to it
- It can be passed in as an argument, and returned as a value
- It can hold a value, can be chained, and concatenated
Pure functions offer referential transparency, that is, a function always returns the same value when given the same inputs. Pure functions are not always feasible in real-world scenarios such as when using persistent storage, randomization, performing I/O, and generating unique identifiers. Technically speaking, a time function shouldn't exist in a pure functional programming language. Therefore, pure functional languages such as Haskell use the notion of IO Monads to solve this dogmatic conundrum. Luckily for us, the hybrid (albeit more practical) languages such as F# are multi-paradigm and can get around this restriction quite easily.