Indexes and constraints
Clearly, getting all nodes and filtering them is not the best way to find a node. Every worthy database, just like Neo4j, allows you to create indexes in order to find data quickly.
From Version 2.0, in Neo4j, there is a new and recommended type of index, that is, a label index. These are the only indexes supported by Cypher. Therefore, let's create an index for users based on the email
property. We only need to execute the following query:
CREATE INDEX ON :User(email)
As this operation of creating an index is asynchronous, we must wait for the indexes to be built and go online. A timeout of one minute for 1000 items should be enough on any modern machine. This is described in the following query:
try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { Schema schema = graphDb.schema(); schema.awaitIndexesOnline(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); }
Waiting for an index to go online can be done only with either the Java API or Neo4j Shell at the moment. This means that if you are using...