Expanding Our Platform
We’ve covered quite a bit in the last two chapters to build out a multitenant platform. We walked through how GitOps works, different strategies, and how IaC tools like Pulumi make automation easier. Find finally, we built out our multi-tenant platform over three clusters. Our platform includes Git and builds using GitLab, secrets management using Vault, GitOps with Argo CD, a Docker registry in Harbor, and finally, it’s all integrated via identity using OpenUnison. That’s it, right? No, unfortunately not. This section will cover some of the gaps or areas where our platform can be built out. First, we’ll start with identity.
Different Sources of Identity
One area we have taken a really focused view on throughout this book is how a user’s identity crosses various boundaries of the systems that make up our clusters. In this platform, we use our Active Directory for user authentication and use OpenUnison’s internal...