Preparation – approaching the interview
If you are called for an interview for the following day, do you have your interview outfit ready to go? Well, do you? Is your suit dry-cleaned; do you have a nicely pressed shirt or blouse; do you know where your shoes are, and are they polished; what will you wear for jewelry? You get the idea, right? You'll be surprised by how many people are caught off guard because they don't have their interview outfit prepared on a moment's notice. I think we've all had to run to the store to get a fresh shirt or blouse the night before an interview. This is enough to throw anyone off their game. When one of my friends passed away young, I searched in vain for my best suit to wear to his funeral, only to find it hanging in the back of another closet, rumpled and with a spot on it. Although it wasn't for an interview that I needed a freshly pressed suit, it was an important moment, nonetheless. Now I make sure that my suit is ready to go.
Clothes aside, there...