Ongoing maintenance
Ongoing maintenance of the integration is needed to keep it running smoothly over time. Tasks include:
Fixing defects
Periodic upgrades of ERP and CRM
Data management: backups and manual synchronization
Adding new integration features
Fixing defects
As they use the system, users may find defects. Defects need to be triaged so that you fix the important ones and keep a note of the less important ones. Grading the defects on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is a showstopper and 5 is a cosmetic issue, is a useful way to determine which defects need to be fixed and in which order.
Periodic upgrades of ERP and CRM
Over time you will need to manage the upgrades of the ERP and CRM software. If the integration is designed well and the development APIs are well designed, the integration features should still work after an upgrade, in most circumstances. However, it is possible that some rework, or changes, may be necessary. Always re-test the integration features after an upgrade.