Testing infrastructure with Test Kitchen for Chef and Beaker for Puppet
Test Kitchen is a central tool in the Chef ecosystem as it enables thorough testing of infrastructure code and plays very well with a lot of other tools we already use and know. It takes the strong testing culture from the development world and applies it to an infrastructure-as-code environment. Test Kitchen helps start an isolated system environment, apply Chef cookbooks to it, and then execute tests. Supported test frameworks include RSpec, ServerSpec, or Bats (and more), with a large choice of supported environments such as AWS, Vagrant, Digital Ocean, Docker, and OpenStack. Test Kitchen integrates very well with Berkshelf, so cookbook dependencies aren't an issue while testing complex infrastructures. The best part is, it's already included in the Chef DK, so we just have to use it.
In this section, we'll structure everything needed to properly test our Chef cookbooks code using Vagrant with CentOS 7.2
The Test...